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Customer Testimonials

WOW! Just finished my training with ParaFlight instructor Brian Goff and now fly confidently when ever I get a chance. I could not be happier with my choice of instructor or gear. Brian has a true passion for the sport and a wealth of knowledge in aviation. It's one thing to know your stuff and quite another to be able to teach with a combination of patience and customized techniques that will accommodate students from young jet jockeys in there prime of life how on a foot launch rig to out of shape old guys like myself on wheels. You may see me on Para Flight Face Book page or in the skies on my Green Eagle quad under a orange Macpara wing.

Phillip Trueblood

Man what a cool experience! Brian is a fantastic and safe PPG teacher, and their 3000 acre farm field is the perfect playground for new or seasoned pilots. I'll definitely be back :) highly recommend!

Josha Hawk

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